How does it work?
Adventure Stories uses a variety of OpenAI's Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate stories. The models are trained on a variety of data, including books, movies, and other stories. The models are then used to generate stories based on our your input.
Does speech recognition work with young kids?
The speech recognition works best with older kids, but it can work with younger kids as well. It's not perfect, so it may not work for every child. In the future we hope to use speech recognition technology that has been specifically designed to work with children!
Do you collect or keep any data?
We store very little data, and none that can be used to identify you. We store your email address, which is used to send you updates about Adventure Stories. We also store your stories, to save in case you want to view them again. We do not store any speech data, and we do not sell or share any data with third parties.
Can I use Adventure Stories on my phone?
You can use Adventure Stories at adventurestories.ai on your phone or tablet. We are working on a mobile app version of Adventure Stories for both iOS and Android, but they are not ready yet.
Can I use Adventure Stories in another language?
If you submit a prompt in another language, the model will try its best to generate a story in that language. However, the model is not perfect, and it may not work for every language. We are working on adding support for more languages in the future, including the text on the website!
Can I do the free trial again?
Your free trial status will reset after two weeks. Or, you can reach out to us and we can reset your status for you. There is a lifetime trial page cap of 20.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking the 'Subscription Settings' button in the 'Account' section of the 'Settings' page. You will still have access to your subscription until the end of the billing period.
How do I change my payment method?
You can change your payment method at any time by clicking the 'Subscription Settings' button in the 'Account' section of the 'Settings' page.
Are there any limits to the number of stories I can generate?
You can generate up to 1000 pages of content (a full length adult novel!) every month. We're still figuring out how people use Adventure Stories, so if this limit is too low, please let us know! We want it to be effectively unlimited while also preventing abuse.
I saw a popup that 'We don't support audio recording in your browser'?
We're working to support more browsers with this feature, but for now, we only support Chrome and Firefox.